Quite simply, because after a lot of discussion, we agreed the info would get more use if it was right where the users were already at. While we do thank PaperWings for setting up the wiki site, and thank TC and the other players that donated to pay to keep the site running, and all the players that spent their time trying to keep things updated and adding the info from the forums to it, it just wasn't really getting used and updated as much as it could be here in the open for all players to see and work on.
With it here on the forums, all players, new and old can easily see exactly where the needed information is, instead of having to go searching for the wiki link, that a lot of players do not realize exists. We also hope that having it right here, where it can be seen all the time, more players will become involved with helping keeping this fountain of useful information updated and growing. When a player comes around, in chat or what not asking for a thread of info, they can simply be directed back to the forums now to find what they need, and a whole lot more. It also makes things easier for a player to find, as they can now just go to the forums, look in the section they want for the item they need, say a dressage training guide, and now get a list of links to just dressage training guides. No more having to sit and dig through pages upon pages of guides, questions and such in the main sections.
We hope everyone enjoys the new sections, and will help make the most of it to improve the game and knowledge base for everyone.