Trial event scores

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Trial event scores

Postby Whicker » Thu Nov 27, 2014 1:56 pm

I realize the trial events are to show you where you horse needs improvement but still have a bit of a problem deciphering the numbers.
I have 3 horses and trial them,, all are halter and should be shown in showmanship only as in confo they all receive plus grades over the breed standard.
In showmanship their final scores are: horse Event Score 454.96 Awarded Score 44.24
horse 576.75 -76.95
horse 807.92 -307.92
Would the first horse be the one to show over the other two?
halter 30 % (current level: 2500/1500) ------- how does this score work? how high should the number in brackets be?
discipline 20 %
Stats that are important approximate Level of importance**
health always important
surefoot 10 % (1029.35) ----------10% is the value of the judging for surefoot --- (1029.35) I am guessing is the score for this particular horse
movement 14 % (1499.4)
strength 6 % (601.227)
speed 0 % (0)
endurance 10 % (1055)
intellegence 6 % (605.706)
Hyperness 3 % (132)
So if the number in brackets is the horse's level how much above should they be or what would be a good level for the horse to be at? I realize, I think, that more in better but how much above the event judging # should it be?
Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere, I have looked but perhaps have missed this information.
Thank you
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Re: Trial event scores

Postby Dukes » Fri Nov 28, 2014 9:10 pm

Trial events are more like... guidelines. They don't necessarily tell you if your horse is "right there" for an event or predict how they will do. I use them basically to tell me what to train.

So let's break this down.

halter 30 % (current level: 37/1500)
Horse's Level: What this shows is your horse's level & how much they're leveled. This is a conformation breeding mare so she isn't leveled at all, hence only 37 out of 1500. The reason they're now 2500 (a fully leveled horse) over 1500 is because back in the day you could only level to 15. The percentage shows you how important a horse leveled, in a specific specialty, is important to this event. 30% = important.
discipline 20 %
Horse's Discipline: That's the little basic disciplines; learned x out of 150. Having them capped is important for this event.
Stats that are important approximate Level of importance** (KK Moose's score***)
health always important
surefoot 10 % (479.9075)
movement 14 % (283.9606)
strength 6 % (249.4299)
speed 0 % (0)
endurance 10 % (338.961)
intellegence 6 % (206.4648)
Hyperness 3 % (107.8959)

From here basically ignore everything in the (). You want to focus on the percentages. These tell you how important each individual stat is in the overall scoring of your horse. So if I'm training a halter horse & speed has 0% towards the event I don't want to spend my time training it - I want to focus on something deemed important as these have more weight. The percents also tell you how important a stat is to the event. So if something is only 1% then maybe I want to train it to 201 & leave it be after that to focus on something with 10% - get the idea?
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Re: Trial event scores

Postby Whicker » Fri Dec 19, 2014 11:46 am

Not sure if this is the right place but is sort of a follow along with my first post at not being able to understand trial scores. I realize they are a guide only.
I have this night horse filly:
Owners: 1
Personality: Somewhat Docile
Biggest Quirk: Stubborn
Mood: Mellow
height: 15.99 hands
Color: Night
Build: medium
Movement: fabulously gaited
Breed Type: Draft
Sure-footedness: 157.6%
(potential): 95% (79.62)
(Very good)
(potential): 95% (79.1)
(Very good)
(potential): 95% (93.86)
(potential): 95% (93.67)
When I trial her these are her scores:
*SOH* Sweet Night
halter : conformation
Breed Standards : not as Intellegent (+ 2.741 )
Breed Standards : not Showing Strength of breed (+ 3.1872 )
Breed Standards : Showing More Stamina than of breed (+ 12.6 )
Breed Standards : Showing More Speed than of breed (+ 11.8 )
Breed Standards : not Showing Personality of breed (+ 47.5199 )
Breed Standards : Showing larger Build than of breed (+ 1.3193 )
Total Breed Similarity Penalty score: 104.1674
Awarded Score: -15.56
She is below two and over two of the breed standards but what and where is the guideline for the Personality of the breed? What is an opinion on her stats?
And would she be better bred on a ranch that is not sponsor to keep her stats low? or what would one look for in a stud to try and produce a more uniform offspring?
And what is the awarded score as compared to the penalty score and is the penalty score the one that goes with the 'even't?
Thanks for any help :)
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Re: Trial event scores

Postby Hairspray » Tue Dec 30, 2014 5:46 pm

Conformation is a little bit different most of the other events. The penalty score is the score your horse would have received if it was entered in an actual event. I'm not sure what you're looking for when you ask for the personality guideline. Basically you are so far off because you have a horse bred from foundy parents. Foundies are always very docile, but that isn't the ideal personality for this breed (I'm thinking the idea might be spirited which will take quite a few generations to get to). Your biggest problem here is that you used stat maxed parents which brought speed and endurance way up. They may come back down if you breed enough generations, but for the future, you generally don't want to train your conformation horses apart from just switching them to halter dicipline. You don't have to breed on a ranch that isn't a sponsor, but you do want to get rid of breeding skill (and possibly breeding bonuses as well).

Feel free to pm me if you run into any more trouble or have any more questions.
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