Teamwork & Treat Injury increasing stats

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Teamwork & Treat Injury increasing stats

Postby MistyKnoll » Wed Nov 30, 2016 10:58 am

I'm working on rolling a few horses this morning and am finding that training once in Teamwork each turn to roll stat titles is giving stat increases at random. Sometimes it gives a rise of 0.02 to endurance, sometimes to movement, sometimes to strength...etc. So, I tried training once in Treat Injury instead, but the same thing is happening. Is this a bug or a training change?
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Re: Teamwork & Treat Injury increasing stats

Postby Moonshine » Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:24 pm

The ranch you are training on must have the training bonuses. Bonuses like Wholesome Warmbloods, Sporty Sorts, Stocky Steeds, Pwning Ponies, Gallantly Gaited, Big'uns, Wild Wides & Showoffs cause horses to gain an additional .02 in a random stat each time it's trained, no matter what it's trained in.
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Re: Teamwork & Treat Injury increasing stats

Postby MistyKnoll » Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:44 pm

Meep. Misunderstood your reply. So one of my bonuses is suddenly doing this? AUGH. Annoying. Okay, thank you.
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Re: Teamwork & Treat Injury increasing stats

Postby Moonshine » Wed Nov 30, 2016 1:05 pm

MistyKnoll wrote:Meep. Misunderstood your reply. So one of my bonuses is suddenly doing this? AUGH. Annoying. Okay, thank you.

Yup pretty much! It's a nice bonus for event training but can be a pain for rolling/roll prep. If I'm rolling/prepping on an account with it I have to make sure there is a huge gap between my stats or they get out of order real quick.
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Re: Teamwork & Treat Injury increasing stats

Postby Hawk » Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:21 pm

MistyKnoll wrote:Meep. Misunderstood your reply. So one of my bonuses is suddenly doing this? AUGH. Annoying. Okay, thank you.

It's not "suddenly" doing it. This is how those bonuses have worked with Tenacious Trainer since day one of bonuses. It will only happen with the breed types that match those bonuses though.

You can check as to what each bonus does based on which parent bonuses you have.
Looking at your account, you have Stocky Steeds and Pwning Ponies with Tenacious Trainer, so you will always get random stat increases when training any kind of pony or stock breed as long as you have those bonuses.

Link is found by going to management, view my bonuses and then read more beside any of the bonuses.
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