
Fire Lily Farm
Owned by Manager Elizabeth
Player # 526491
Last on: 2022-07-21 15:01:53
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Fire Lily Farm
About Me: Hi! I'm Manager Elizabeth. You can call me Elizabeth, Liz or Cav (I'm Cav in Chat or The2ndCavlary in the forums) I'm 18 and reside in the state of Wisconsin. I have one horse- Mayder (Cashing Out) who is a 5 year old Saddlebred, We'll have our one year together on April 1st. He is my pride and joy, right now and will always be. He's not one of the expensive Saddlebreds but I love him more then anything in the world. I have been riding personally 10 years. 8 of those years were at a Dressage/Hunter barn and the last two and counting are at a Saddleseat Farm. I am an extremely nice player and easy to get along with if you are honest and polite to me, but I won't tolerate being betrayed or talking behind backs. That will earn ye a spot on the ignore list. Most players if you message me asking for help, and use somewhat complete sentences I will help out. ^.^

Usually, I will try to get your horses done as soon as a possibly can but life does have issues that pop up and I go *poof* I really do try and get them done and work on them to the best my ability. I am not a big name trainer nor claim to be but if you like my services don't hesitate to spread the word. ^.^
  • Stat-Maxing: $25o,ooo Str,Int,Spd- Maxed || Mvt, Sft, Endy- Capped || Vacc. Shod, & Broke in Halter
  • Roll Prepping & Rolling: $1,ooo,ooo
    Str,Int,Spd,Endy- Prepped || Vacc. Shod, & Broke in Halter. || Rolled to requested age & requested stats. (Default if not given instruction Mares: 17, Stallions: 22 Str. High, Intel. Low.)

    Maecenas ut tincidunt odio. Donec pellentesque egestas egestas. Nullam sit amet felis lorem, vel sollicitudin elit. Cras lobortis ante ornare risus faucibus tempus. Donec nibh diam, venenatis sit amet porttitor et, fermentum eget turpis. Sed vulputate odio ut dolor feugiat eleifend. Cras ac velit nec orci dapibus lobortis pulvinar porta quam. Vestibulum nec elit tortor. Ut vel velit ut quam luctus varius id aliquet justo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

    Duis egestas mauris sit amet massa bibendum euismod sagittis felis vehicula. Sed elementum, felis sed mollis scelerisque, dolor sem euismod dolor, malesuada dictum felis nisl id elit. Duis blandit nibh vel turpis ultrices porta. Maecenas et risus in diam semper aliquam. Donec dui sapien, tristique sed rutrum vel, fringilla aliquet enim. Curabitur commodo lacinia adipiscing. Vestibulum vitae lorem sed leo vehicula accumsan quis ut dolor. Cras vitae arcu nec metus pulvinar viverra. Ut tristique, orci at vehicula sollicitudin, tortor libero sodales diam, quis venenatis urna nulla nec orci. Mauris consectetur tellus sit amet risus ultrices vitae consequat lorem ullamcorper. Nulla eleifend, ipsum a placerat ultricies, purus sapien semper sem, ornare gravida sapien felis sed leo. Suspendisse faucibus molestie nisi, sit amet porta lectus euismod ac. Nunc varius blandit.
  • * Supurb -> Fantastic - 211% * Fantastic -> Extraordinary - 200% * Extraordinary -> Amazing - 186%/185% * Amazing -> Phenomenal - 174% * Phenomenal -> Inconceivable - 164% o Inconceivable 211 - Inconceivable 212 (without shoes) - 158-157%
    Search Horses in this Ranch
    << PREVIOUS 10
    Horse Breed Gender age Training (level) Market
    .Mayder. Gen1 M1 F2xF2 Saddlebred Sport Horse Mare 6.1 halter (Local) Not for Sale
    .Mayder. Gen1 S2 F2xF2 Saddlebred Sport Horse Stallion 7 halter (Local) Not for Sale
    .Mayder. Gen1 M3 F3xF3 Saddlebred Sport Horse Mare 6.5 halter (Local) Not for Sale
    .Mayder. Gen1 M2 F3xF3 Saddlebred Sport Horse Mare 9 halter (Local) Not for Sale
    .Mayder. Gen1 M1 F3xF3 Saddlebred Sport Horse Mare 7 halter (Local) Not for Sale
    unnamed German Warmblood Stallion 33 halter (Local) Not for Sale
    .Mayder. Gen1 S1 F3xF3 Saddlebred Sport Horse Stallion 7.5 halter (Local) Not for Sale
    WSF: Heart of Bliss Swedish Warmblood Mare 12.15 eventing (Regional) Not for Sale

    Net Worth: $1231855